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- Posted: Sun Oct 2, 1988 3:05 PM GMT Msg: GGII-3765-6623
- From: VRIP
- To: IS
- Subj: ANS.275
- SB ALL @ AMSAT $ANS-275.01
- AMSAT Weekend News Part 1
- WARWICK, NY October 1, 1988
- AO-13 operations continue normally after the first major schedule change was
- placed in effect September 21. The new attitude (Bahn Longitude 210, Bahn
- Latitude +5) is mandated by the position of the sun relative to AO-13's
- orbital plane. The new schedule essentially slides the Mode L operating period
- about 20% later in the orbit. This is because the satellite will be nadir
- pointing (looking directly at the earth's center) later in the orbit.
- Previously, AO-13 was nadir pointing at apogee.
- The new operating schedule, subject to minor tweaking for Mode S, will likely
- remain in effect until late Autumn.
- Operating experience with the new schedule and attitude suggest ways of
- planning your operating activities to minimize the effects of spin modulation.
- On Mode B, spin modulation becomes a significant factor when the satellite is
- off-pointed from a ground station using circular polarization when the
- off-pointing (or squint angle) exceeds about 40 degrees. Stations using
- linear polarization have a much lower squint angle tolerance. Again it's been
- demonstrated being able to switch from right hand to left hand circular
- polarization is very helpful. Best Mode B operating seems to occur when
- looking west at the satellite late in the orbit.
- The first AO-13 Mode S transponder tests were successfully performed September
- 17. AO-13 Mode L radar QRM tests performed September 9 were inconclusive. The
- test will be repeated soon. No further word has been received on RUDAK
- testing.
- * SEN Schedule *
- The next session of the Space Education Net (SEN) has been scheduled for
- Saturday October 8, 1988. The Mode L session will run from 2230 to 2315 UTC.
- The Mode L downlink frequency will be 435.900 MHz. The Mode B session will
- follow from 2330 to 0015 (9th) UTC. The downlink frequency will be 145.960
- MHz.
- AMSAT is considering moving the SEN to Wednesday evenings in the U.S. The SEN
- would appreciate comments from interested stations. Contact K9PVW.
- Test transmissions of Slow Scan TV will continue on this session of the SEN.
- Listen for WA4GSS transmitting the standard 8 second SSTV format 10 kHz above
- the voice net frequency at 145.970 MHz. Later tests will include high
- resolution color SSTV. The SEN encourages all stations not equipped for SSTV
- to invite another amateur to bring his scan converter to an AO-13 station.
- The addition of video will add a new dimension to the Space Education Nets.
- Additional Net Control Stations are needed for the SEN. If you would like to
- assist the SEN in this important position please volunteer today. Contact
- K.O. Learner, K9PVW at P.O. Box 5006, Kokomo, IN 46904 or via packet @KD9QB
- with your SEN questions or comments or to volunteer to assist the SEN.
- Check-ins and participants are invited for both sessions.
- * Balloon Launch *
- Another in a series of balloon-borne radio experiments is on tap from the
- mid-west. Bill, WB8ELK, says the next flight of a helium filled balloon
- carrying Amateur Radio equipment has been re-scheduled for launch from
- Greensburg, Illinois, at 8:00 AM Eastern time, October 8. A 2 meter CW beacon
- will transmit on 144.340 MHz using vertical polarization. A fast-scan TV
- signal will be transmitted on 439.250 MHz using horizontal polarization. Last
- spring, a similar balloon attained an altitude in excess of 100,000 feet. Its
- radio beacons were heard from Canada to Iowa. Support nets will operate on
- 3871 kHz and perhaps 7155 kHz. The beacons will operate under the callsign
- W9PRD.
- /EX
- SB ALL @ AMSAT $ANS-275.02
- AMSAT Weekend News Part 2
- WARWICK, NY October 1, 1988
- * Chicken Little II *
- AMSAT'S Chicken Little II (CL2) contest continues with entrants hopeful of
- predicting the precise time of the reentry of COSMOS 1900. The spacecraft is
- currently in an orbit which experts suggest will bring about its destruction
- by mid-October and there have been serious concerns as to the on board nuclear
- reactor. The Soviets have been maintaining that the primary and secondary
- ejection devices will provide adequate protection from radioactive debris
- reaching the Earth's surface.
- On Saturday, October 1, TASS announced that the primary safety device had
- activated at 0008 Moscow Standard Time, shutting down the reactor and boosting
- it to a stable orbit of 720 km. While the threat of radioactivity is no
- longer a factor, the spacecraft continues in its descent and the correct
- prediction will earn one AMSAT member a new GaAsFET pre-amp.
- Here are the CL-II rules:
- 1. The winner is the individual who most accurately predicts the date and
- time of reentry.
- 2. Enter as many times as you care to. Only one guess per entry letter or
- postcard. Entry must include name, address, callsign and AMSAT member
- number along with your guess to the nearest second.
- 3. Entries must be postmarked not later than seven calendar days prior to
- the official re-entry time.
- 4. Use of government resources is prohibited except that publicly available
- orbital data is OK.
- 5. Decision of the judges is final. No entries will be returned and are the
- property of AMSAT.
- 6. Entries must be mailed to AMSAT, CL-II, P.O. Box 27, Washington DC, 20044.
- To assist in tracking COSMOS 1900, orbital elements will be included in the
- normal AMSAT Orbital Prediction Bulletin releases until de-orbit. The
- following is a recent set:
- Object 18665 (87-101A)
- Ref Epoch: 88272.90792702
- Drag: 0.00581528
- Inclin: 64.9522
- RAAN: 205.3271
- Eccen: 0.0013850
- ArgPer: 279.5949
- MA: 80.3761
- MM: 16.35995825
- Rev: 4694
- Special callsign ZS6RSA will be on the air Saturday, October 8 from 0900
- UTC through October 9 at 0300 UTC. QSO's will be relayed on RADIO RSA
- transmission at the following Times:
- 0930 UTC in Dutch
- 1030 UTC in German
- 1145 UTC in English
- 1445 UTC in English
- 1730 UTC in German
- 1830 UTC in Dutch
- 1845 UTC in English
- 1945 UTC in English
- Sunday, October 9
- 0245 UTC in English to USA and Canada
- From 0900 UTC till 1500 UTC special guest will be Michael Meerman PA3BHF.
- ZS6RSA will operate on OSCAR 13 from 1545 to 1700 UTC Mode B on 145.950 MHz.
- Other amateur frequencies include : 7050, 14200, 21250, and 28500 kHz. A
- special QSL card will be issued.
- ZS6SAT will be acting as a gateway station during the Scout Jamboree on the
- air October 15 from 0800 to 1300 UTC. The frequency will be approximately
- 145.950 MHz This facility will allow many young Radio Amateurs with VHF
- licences only to speak to other scout groups around the world.
- /EX
- SB ALL @ AMSAT $ANS-275.03
- AMSAT Weekend News Part 3
- WARWICK, NY October 1, 1988
- * Shuttle Coverage *
- The U.S. is back in the manned space business with a rousing success scored
- launching shuttle Discovery, STS-26. Launch took place at 1537 UTC, Thursday,
- September 29. The launch trajectory was completely normal and the worrisome
- solid rocket boosters performed as designed. Six hours and 13 minutes after
- liftoff the crew of Discovery deployed the 5,000 pound TDRS-C Tracking and
- Data Relay Satellite. An hour later the first of two kick motor burns boosted
- TDRS-C to a higher orbit. Later, a second burn circularized the orbit over
- the equator. Check-out of the TDRS is now under way. TDRS-A, launched by
- shuttle in 1983 is now positioned over the Equator north of Brazil. TDRS-B
- was lost in the Challenger accident in 1986.
- Extensive on-air coverage has been provided America's return to manned space
- activity. The NASA-Select channel on SATCOM 2R, transponder 13, has provided
- spectacular views of earth from Discovery as it passed over various tracking
- stations. Many cable TV stations around the country have opted to carry the
- mission video. WA3NAN, the club station at the Goddard Space Flight Center,
- has covered the launch on HF from the start. Their operating frequencies are
- 3860, 7185, 21395 and 28650 kHz. On VHF FM, they may be heard on 147.45 MHz.
- San Francisco Bay area residents have access to full-mission video courtesy of
- two ATV repeaters according to Mike Scott, N6GOZ. The Mount Diablo and Black
- Mountain ATV repeaters will carry the video from the NASA Select channel on
- 427.25 MHz. Amateurs with cable-ready commercial TVs can view the ATV
- repeaters by attaching an antenna to the cable TV connector and tuning to
- cable channel 58.
- Discovery is scheduled to land at Edwards AFB, CA, on Monday, October 3 at
- 1635 UTC after doing a de-orbit burn over Australia on orbit 64.
- Here is a usable element set for tracking STS-26.
- Ref Epoch: 88 274.86371685
- Set# JSC-005 (Per WA5NOM)
- Inclin: 28.4868
- RAAN: 65.8217
- Ecc: 0.0032605
- ArgPer: 180.0937
- MA: 349.9518
- MM: 15.84776718
- Decay: 4.1E-04
- Rev: 21
- /EX
- SB ALL @ AMSAT $ANS-275.04
- AMSAT Weekend News Part 4
- WARWICK, NY October 1, 1988
- * Soviet Shuttle *
- In other world space news, the Soviet Union released the first photos of its
- space shuttle this week. Called VKK by one Soviet official, the photos were
- released by TASS about the time Discovery was originally expected to lift off.
- The photos revealed the Shuttle with its CCCP markings against an evening sky
- with the Energiya, strap-on liquid boosters, and gantry clearly visible.
- Western observers were not surprised to see similarities between the two
- craft, as the Soviets had already disclosed that the designs followed similar
- patterns. However, the "carbon copy" likeness did surprise many and as one
- analyst pointed out, even the paint schemes are nearly identical prompting
- the remark that "imitation is the highest form of flattery."
- Soviet space officials have suggested that the Shuttle may be launched by the
- end of this year and that it will be unmanned, but no date has been announced
- and they have acknowledged that there are technical problems causing delays.
- * AMSAT Symposium *
- Preparations are accelerating for the AMSAT Sixth Space Symposium says
- organizer Byron Lindsey, W4BIW. The Symposium will be held at the Atlanta
- Airport Marriott Hotel November 11, 12 and 13 and is being organized by AMSAT
- in cooperation with the Atlanta Radio Club. Registration may be accomplished
- by mail. The address is:
- Space Symposium
- Box 29221
- Atlanta, GA, 30359
- The meeting will be held at the Airport Marriott Hotel, 4711 Best Road,
- College Park, GA. Rooms may be reserved by calling the hotel at 404-766-7900.
- Discounts may be obtained by mentioning the Space Symposium when reserving.
- The discounted price is $65 per night.
- Air fare discounts have been arranged with Delta Airlines. Reservations are
- being handled by GIT Travel Agency. Call 800-228-1777 for airline
- reservations.
- A Symposium package deal including registration, Saturday lunch and the
- banquet is available. Tours have been arranged to the Cable New Network (CNN)
- facility in Atlanta. Register early to insure placement.
- Featured speakers include Leonid Labutin, UA3CR, and Geoffrey Perry of
- England's Kettering Group. Papers for the symposium may be submitted to
- ARRL's Mary Weinberg until October 4. More details in subsequent bulletins.
- Meanwhile, you may contact W4BIW at 404-636-7452 in Decatur for further
- information.
- G3RUH points out an error in our recent discourse on the AMSAT day number.
- James correctly points out that 1988 Jan 01 = Amsat Day 3652. However, 1988
- Sep 10, which is day-of-year 254 equates to Amsat Day 3652 + 254 - 1 = 3905,
- and not 3906 as stated. Thanks to sharp-eyed James M for this correction!
- Looking for a way to support AMSAT? This may be your ticket. AMSAT has
- re-instituted its traditional orbit sponsor program for support of operations
- by satellite users. AMSAT HQ has the details: 301-589-6062.
- First Day Club certificate requests continue to arrive. Due to numerous late
- submissions, certificate mailing will be delayed slightly.
- Mike Parisey, WD0GML, says his BBS system is now operational on 2400 as well
- as 1200 and 300 baud. He also now has a tracking program up and running on
- the board. The BBS system is located near St.Louis and can be accessed at
- 314-447-3003.
- /EX
- SB ALL @ AMSAT $ANS-275.05
- AMSAT Weekend News Part 5
- WARWICK, NY October 1, 1988
- Here is the AO-13 operating schedule currently in use. Deviations from this
- schedule may occur to facilitate important engineering tests.
- Operating Schedule: V4.0 Effective 21Sep88
- +---------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Mode | From | Thru | Remarks | Duration |
- | |(Inclus)| (Inclus)| | MA Minutes|
- |========|========|=========|====================================
- | Off | MA 241 | MA 002 | Solar eclipse window | 18 48.3 |
- | Mode B | MA 003 | MA 150 | | 148 397.0 |
- | Mode L | MA 151 | MA 200 | Mode JL optional | 50 134.1 |
- | Mode B | MA 201 | MA 240 | | 40 107.3 |
- | Mode S | | | Test window TBA* | |
- | RUDAK | | | Status unknown | |
- +--------------------------------------------------+------------|
- *The new Mode S test window is To Be Announced.
- RS-11 will be operating Tuesday thru Friday on Mode KA and weekends on Mode A.
- There is no RS-10 operation currently.
- * FO-12 *
- Here is the FO-12 operating schedule for September as provided by JARL.
- Mode Beginning
- Date Time
- D 03 Oct 0113
- JA 04 2325
- D 06 0032
- JA 08 1339
- D 09 2258
- JD 12 1406
- DI 13 1312
- JD 15 1325
- DI 16 1231
- JD 18 1245
- DI 19 1151
- JD 21 2016
- D 22 1922
- JA 26 0936
- D 27 1043
- JA 29 0855
- D 31 0909
- JD = Digital mode
- JA = Analog mode
- D = All systems off
- DI = Systems off except CPU and memory
- The transponders will be off at other times. The actual operating schedule may
- change due to unexpected situations such as variations in available power.
- Mode JA Beacon: 435.795 MHz. Mode JD Beacon: 435.910 MHz.
- /EX